This image was taken in 2013, Marcela Lobos and I are embracing two Shipibo elders who walked for days to meet us and 13 women to experience the jungle ceremonies and medicine. This reunion was a journey of a lifetime. Many of us who returned were never the same.
Marcela Lobos received the Rite of the Womb on this journey. After this experience, months later, Marcela shared with me the Rite of the Womb at the Omega Institute in New York which right after we gifted the rite to 200 women with two other medicine women.
Upon receiving this rite, I healed my hidden sexual abuse that occurred to me when I was a toddler. Then synchronistically the next wave of clients that came were wanting to heal their sexual trauma. I began clearing this type of trauma and others from women’s wombs through my shamanic sessions.
After my healing, so many women. came to heal. Until one day, a woman came to see me that was trying to get pregnant with her...