
Womb Trust

Our womb is the soil and without a rich fertile soil we can’t create anything sustainable and nourishing for ourselves, for our family and the world at large.

Do you agree?

Yet, how come we as women do not naturally or better said consciously tend to our womb.

Something so obvious that from a young age calls our attention as we menstruate and ovulate and now as more women are awakening to the cycle, we have found there is actually four phases within our cycle not just one or two.

If you are like me, that I thought a few years ago that our menstrual period was the cycle and now we have the understanding that we have Four Phases of a cycle that menstruating & ovulation are two and the other more passive like our seasons of Fall and Spring are more subtle the Follicular and Luteal phases are essential to acknowledge and be with the physical and intuitive navigation of what each phase can gift us.

So much is being revealed energetically and physically as we begin to connect with our cycle that to me, in this moment, it is even more obvious that our cycle is constantly directing us to our power center, which is our womb portal.
Yes a portal, a gateway, an opening where life and death occur and where transformation is evident and the creation forces are concentrated in a space.

This is what we as women energetically have within us but even more essential to know, what a woman’s main feminine responsibility is to know thyself in the vessel, know thy womb energetically and physically.

This is why there is now an evident movement that women are passionately sharing the importance of the womb.

For when the guides of the Sacred Woman School state, "Prepare the Ground," they are talking about starting this ground work from the power center of a woman-HER WOMB.

How do you tend to your womb?

Can you hear her communicating?

Do you know she is alive within you and she can also be a portal frozen and unattended?

Your womb is not only precious because it can create realities, the world we live in and human beings but also your energetic womb has access to a multidimensional intelligence through source wisdom and the pleasurable blissful  unity that can awaken a state of being that can bring heaven on earth.

Matias Estephano shares in  a discussion  (Hathor, Dendera-Task Preparation for Solar Storm in 2024 & 2025) which he speaks about a time in Egyptian times of Horus that their were selected woman, Priestesses, who knew how to access this purity of the kundalini energy through pleasure to bring  heaven on earth and prepare humanity and the beings that will be incarnated to hold a frequency that can bring evolved beings into the earth.

This statement from one of his channeling confirms more to us the power of our womb and the responsibility we have as women to each care for our womb portal so we can access it’s magic. But to also support as womb keepers and guardians for all generations. 

How to access the magic of your womb and prepare the ground to be conscious and active participator of the world and human species we are creating together through our womb.

As the years go by, the false belief of pointing a finger and saying it because the system or because that person or that situation is not serving us anymore.

The more we empower our channel we realize it is all within and as a woman. I can say it starts in our wombs.

Here is an audio I created for you to begin to PREPARE the ground and share with other women and awaken women to their womb power.

